Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Experience Learning Differently

What is the cost of your one day? A surprising though but this is the question which changed my perspective of doing an MBA. Because the answer was 10 times for what I was thinking and moreover, I was oblivious to the situation as this is the cost my parents are spending on me right now.

First class of our Management subject taken by Dr Mandi was totally a remarkable experience. We were given real time examples as to how we can use our knowledge in making simple structures, and sell them in the market. How we can use our knowledge and earn from the same to fulfil our daily cost of doing an MBA. The specific term we use is DHANDA.  I realized that MBA is not only for earning but is also about the Learning and contribution to the society. We should think outside the books and break the process of “Another Brick in the Wall” in our society. Since this class, a few lines which keep on running through my mind are:-

Socho Becho,
  Becho Seekho,
      Seekho Socho.

I.e. think how to sell and earn from the same in the market, learn from the selling as how to achieve more and Think after what is being learnt.

We were being taught that how an organization functions. How important the efficient working of each member is for an organization. For better understanding, we were asked to play a game of A Mighty Tower, where a group had been asked to build a tower by keeping blocks one above the other. For the selection, we had to invest our money in the game. When asked for the participants, only 3 classmates chose to do so. During that stage, I had a bit hesitation which kept pulling me to raise my hand in the class.  

Then began the game and we were being taught the role of each participant and how they resemble like an organization. It was an amazing experience the way we were analysing the activity. As I had served in an organization for two years, I was comparing myself with the person who was building blocks keeping his eyes closed, as a worker. We both had same stress level, the management people had their check on us as they were dependent upon the delivery we were assigned, failing which the task would not be completed. So, that makes a worker the most important role to play.

Then, there was the second person who was an intermediate management in an organization who was helping the worker in completing the task assigned to their team same as done in an organization. This was the manager who has to keep the work going – no matter how tough the difficulty the workers are facing: be it in HR or some other perspective. The third person signified the upper management who was taking care of the other two persons in the company. I really enjoyed the game while experiencing the real time stress environment, the desire to finish the goal (like in this case, building a structure of 18 blocks).

 After the class, I was motivated to think how I can use my knowledge and start earning from now onwards instead of waiting for some people recruiting me to work in an organization. I am very thankful to Sir Dr Mandi who made me look inside myself and pursue to think differently- in order to work for our living from now on wards.

Aaj ki Roti, Aaj hi kamaaenge (Earn today, for today’s food)
Behtar Parai ke liye Kamai (Earn for Better Learning)!!

1 comment:

  1. Good blog Mayank.

    But you know .. try to put headings.. Interesting headings so that the reader by looking at the headings will be motivated to start reading a para..

    try to put quotes, references, you tube videso supporting your ideas

    try to pour out your experiences and understand of the concepts is important.. wish to see you again.. dr mandi
